
Lunes, Disyembre 31, 2012


YEAH!!! It's 2013! New Year! Year of the water snake! (Water snake?! Really!?) Whoopeeee! Let us celebrate! Make noise, people! No end of the world, or apocalypse or Armageddons that the Mayans speak of! 

To the people that believed that the world was gonna end in 2012, let me just say IN YOUR FACES!!!! *eherm* not wishing to be rude. But what really made me laugh was that the radio that my grandma was listening to just a few minutes ago was playing 2012! You know, the song! (Of course you do. How stupid of me to question your ingeniousness.) Some people just can't get over it. 

It was awesome! The boom, the bang, the peeeeewwww......BOOOOM!!! The bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!The ksssss...... and best of all, DA FOOD! I was like a zombie, staggering, saying "I'm gonna eat your foo! Beware!". But the firecracker and fireworks display made me a bit discontented.
It's too bad someone's missing.....

My dad has been haunting us again.... What the heck is he trying to say?? It's been really giving me the chills... Calling and texting someone from a faraway place. Appearing in malls and such. Jeepers. Maybe there's a time limit in Heaven or something. Maybe...

But at least I made the most of the year! (I think.) Last year was so awesome!!! 

 Happy New Year to all of ya!!

PS. I really hate the people saying "I remember 2012 like it was yesterday!" or "I'm gonna take a bath next year!" Duh, you morons! Get some sense into your empty skulls! *eherm eherm*... Sorry for the unexpected outburst. Not trying to be mean or anything....

Not again!!
Wait for it.....

I'm so lame
What I planned on doing.
RIP 2012
This made me laugh so hard.
Fireworks graphics
Fireworks graphics

Lunes, Disyembre 17, 2012


Caution: May contain dramatic stuff that may make you cry. 

Caution #2: The first caution is overly dramatic.

(See what I mean!?)

My mom told me I was becoming a lazy blogger. Hey, can I help it if I have no more ideas?!

Ok, I admit that I am sorta becoming a lazy blogger

.Ok, so I AM a lazy blogger. -_____- 

I know that I haven't posted every once in a while, and I'm really running out of ideas to post, and I'm really desperate to finish this one, and I really have to stop reasoning.

But seriously, my mom kept motivating me, using my brother's blog (which, by the way, is named "Vittorio's secrets") as a hefty comparison.

(Honestly, my brother's blog sounds a lot like a male counterpart of Victoria's Secrets, don't you think?)

To all the people that reads my blog, (or maybe just mom) I.M.SORRY. To make it all up, I'm gonna post a shert stery!!!Or perhaps not. I reckon I'll think of a good one. And besides, I don't wanna post my old trashy stories that are so stupid that even a dunderhead could write a better story. 

*SIGH* Fine. I'll post lots this December. This IS one of my enjoyments anyways. It's like my public journal, and I don't wanna see it fail. 

(If the world ends, can I stop posting? Just kidding. ^_^)

Huwebes, Nobyembre 8, 2012

I had a particularly bad day. I am so disgruntled right now. I feel dispirited. I feel weak and depressed.
But at least there's computer to cheer me up! 
Procrastinator mode, activate!!!!

But don't be sad! To cheer you up, here's a cow greeting you AND a cute cat!!!

Everyone luuuuves cute cats!!!!


Martes, Oktubre 23, 2012

Leeet's Fiesta!!! :)

Whhooopphheee! It's fiesta! Yes, you heard me, it's fiesta! A day of rejoicing, meeting old pals, and, waiiit for iiiit.......FOOD!!!! Yes! Thy stomach awaits thee, glorious food! Ah...delish!  

I am also my mom's personal little helper! I've been running around, working! I even made the mussels! I'm so proud of mahself! :))))) But I am also my mom's little bugger. >_< Ohhh, the irony!

But for now, I shall be enjoying and relaxing and most of all, EATING! 

Food, here I come!!!

Party Hard!

More Food!!!
Eat, eat, eat!!!!

The (un)joys of sembreak.

Wow, and just as I thought that sembreak couldn't get any worst, I am (forced) told to go to my grandma's house and is often the convenient babysitter of my naughty baby brother. I am also dead tired of surfing the net. My phone's also gone bonkers. I really can't wait for school. -_-

This is how I feel (and am) at most times.
Sometimes I just wanna freeeaaaaakkk!
When annoyed, I look at my brother like:

Lunes, Oktubre 22, 2012

So my sister decided to join the majorette. Huh. 

Lately, the attentions been on her. It annoys me so much that I kept repeating "You'll see! I'm gonna join the DLMO! 5 years, yah hear, 5 years of lyre! The training there is worse!" And it just causes my mom and other people to get annoyed at me. -_- What's worst, they are in a competition! So my mom has to get up at 1 in the morning just to see my sister practice. If you ask me, that is torture. I swear, I even saw my former classmate with these eye bags!
"Even my eye-bags have bags!"
Okay, so I'm exaggerating, but seriously, he had bags like yeah. The point is that my mom should pry her attention ate times for her other kids! Well, the competition is today, so I should rejoice!!!!! :D

                                               How other people see majorette:

                                                How I see majorette:
Majorette graphics 1265

                                                                  My Reaction: