
Lunes, Disyembre 31, 2012


YEAH!!! It's 2013! New Year! Year of the water snake! (Water snake?! Really!?) Whoopeeee! Let us celebrate! Make noise, people! No end of the world, or apocalypse or Armageddons that the Mayans speak of! 

To the people that believed that the world was gonna end in 2012, let me just say IN YOUR FACES!!!! *eherm* not wishing to be rude. But what really made me laugh was that the radio that my grandma was listening to just a few minutes ago was playing 2012! You know, the song! (Of course you do. How stupid of me to question your ingeniousness.) Some people just can't get over it. 

It was awesome! The boom, the bang, the peeeeewwww......BOOOOM!!! The bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!The ksssss...... and best of all, DA FOOD! I was like a zombie, staggering, saying "I'm gonna eat your foo! Beware!". But the firecracker and fireworks display made me a bit discontented.
It's too bad someone's missing.....

My dad has been haunting us again.... What the heck is he trying to say?? It's been really giving me the chills... Calling and texting someone from a faraway place. Appearing in malls and such. Jeepers. Maybe there's a time limit in Heaven or something. Maybe...

But at least I made the most of the year! (I think.) Last year was so awesome!!! 

 Happy New Year to all of ya!!

PS. I really hate the people saying "I remember 2012 like it was yesterday!" or "I'm gonna take a bath next year!" Duh, you morons! Get some sense into your empty skulls! *eherm eherm*... Sorry for the unexpected outburst. Not trying to be mean or anything....

Not again!!
Wait for it.....

I'm so lame
What I planned on doing.
RIP 2012
This made me laugh so hard.
Fireworks graphics
Fireworks graphics

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